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Flowers on Mars Episode 1 - Organs, Electricity and the Gods

BU Building Bridges Podcast

Center Associate Director Margarita Guillory interviews Adrienne Vancura, a postdoc studying biomedical sciences at MIT, and Silvia Miotti, BU PhD student in Classics. The two discuss the connections between STEM and the humanities, the power of digital tools, and the ways they weave these together to produce Flowers on Mars.

Youtube comments


This is an incredibly creative approach to education. The way these women can connect seemingly disparate topics into a unified constellation is astounding. I could probably listen to this episode ten times and pick up something new each time. I can’t imagine the level of research it took to produce just one episode. Amazing work!


Fire Belly Newt

Newt Regeneration And You


Amano M, Amiya N, Takaoka M, Sato H, Takatani T, Arakawa O, Sakakura Y. Tetrodotoxin functions as a stress relieving substance in juvenile tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes. Toxicon. 2019 Dec 5;171:54-61. doi: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2019.09.024. Epub 2019 Sep 30. PMID: 31580836.


Tetrodotoxin, a Potential Drug for Neuropathic and Cancer Pain Relief?


Pain Management using Tetrodotoxin

Halneuron® for Pain Management - WEX Pharmaceuticals Inc


Liver Regeneration

Tityus: A forgotten myth of liver regeneration, Journal of Hepatology

Volume 53, Issue 2, August 2010, Pages 357-361, Dina G. Tiniakos,  Apostolos Kandilis,  Stephen A. Geller


Fausto, N., Campbell, J.S. and Riehle, K.J. (2006), Liver regeneration. Hepatology, 43: S45-S53.


Hesiod. Theogony, New York :Oxford University Press, 1988.


Hepatic regeneration in Greek mythology

Papavramidou N. Hepatic regeneration in Greek mythology. World J Meta-Anal 2019; 7(3): 77-79 [DOI: 10.13105/wjma.v7.i3.77]


Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley, Frankenstein. 1831. Ed. Maurice Hindle. Markham, Ont.: Penguin Books, 1985. Print.


The Journals of Mary Shelley, 1814-1844. Ed. Percy Bysshe Shelley , Paula R. Feldman, and Diana Scott-Kilvert. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. Print. 2 vols.



The Levin Lab


Adee, Sally, We Are Electric: Inside the 200-Year Hunt for Our Body's Bioelectric Code, and What the Future Holds, Hachette Books 2023.


Brain cells in a dish learn to play Pong


Organoid Intelligence

Flowers on Mars Episode 2 - Reading "The Doors of Perception" by Aldous Huxley

Flowers on Mars Episode 3 - Reading the second part of "The Doors of Perception" by Aldous Huxley

Flowers on Mars Episode 4 - Reading the "Island" by Aldous Huxley

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